Clinician Services

EFT Supervision

Spend one hour focusing on your work in the EFT Model. Go in depth to better understand your successes and stuck places, while also improving your skill and understanding of EFT.

Justin will tailor these sessions to your unique needs and help you grow your confidence and clarity with EFT.

Limited License Supervision (LLMFT)

Justin offers supervision for Limited License clinicians as you work toward full licensure. He is sensitive to the financial challenges of post-grad clinicians starting out their therapeutic career and offers LLMFT supervision rates with that in mind.

Justin helps you flourish in your unique style and desired specialties rather than push you toward what he finds most compelling. He caters the supervision experience to you and is always open to feedback and adjustments along the way.

Group Supervision

Spend an hour collaborating with Justin and up to 3 other clinicians to enhance your skill and expertise. Whether further honing in on your style, identifying strengths and growth edges, or diving deeper into specific interventions and theories, group supervision is an excellent way to create community and expand perspectives within your work.